DUI in Arizona: Everything You Need to Know

All over the country, it is illegal to drive a vehicle under the influence of drugs or alcohol. If you are impaired to the slightest degree while driving under the influence, you can be charged with a DUI. A DUI is a charge that comes with plenty of consequences and Arizona is incredibly strict with DUI laws to keep their streets and citizens safe.

If you or someone you know is pulled over while driving a car and has a blood alcohol level over .08 or is clearly impaired, then they will likely be convicted of a DUI. A DUI is a serious charge and aims to keep people off the road who are under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

This article will dive into everything you need to know about DUIs in Arizona and what steps to take to ensure you protect your rights and get the help you need. We will also help you know how long a DUI stays on your record as well as the zero-tolerance law in Arizona.

What Happens When you Get your First DUI in Arizona?

No matter if it is your first DUI or you have received DUIs before, Arizona takes DUIs very seriously. If it is your very first DUI, then you can still be looking at jail time as well as fines and community service.

Overall, a first offense can spend from ten days up to six months or more in jail. You can also expect to pay a minimum base fine of $250 up to 2,500 or more dollars.

Besides that, you will have your license suspended and will likely be required to perform community service based on the severity of your case. Depending on the decision by the court you could also have an ignition interlock device installed in your vehicle and face up to three years on probation.

Even as a first DUI offender, DUI charges are nothing to mess around with so it is imperative to practice safety on the road. If you are in the unfortunate circumstance that has you being pulled over for a DUI, reach out to an attorney quickly to get yourself on the right track.

How Many Years Does a DUI Stay on Your Record in Arizona?

All over the country, the length of time that a DUI can stay on your record varies greatly so it is recommended to make sure to check within your state.

In Arizona, a DUI conviction will stay on your record for five years. That means that your insurance rates will go up and if you are convicted of another crime within those years you could face harsher consequences.

Another way that Arizona and other states keep track of DUIs is by a point system. Points are racked up by committing any traffic violation, DUIs, and more and are added to your license. Anytime your license is scanned, the points are shown. As you rack up more and more points for crimes, you get closer to having your license suspended.

In Arizona, you get 8 points added to your license and they will stay on your license for three years. If you are pulled over any law enforcement officer can see your points and make a decision from there.

What Are The Consequences For a DUI in Arizona?

It is important to note that Arizona has a no-tolerance policy and will arrest anyone who seems impaired even to the slightest degree. That means that even if your blood alcohol level is below .08, they can still arrest you on probable cause.

Because of Arizona’s zero-tolerance policy, the decision is completely up to the arresting officer and whether or not they think you are able to drive safely. If convicted of a DUI you will face jail time, fines, community service, license suspension, and more.

A law enforcement officer in Arizona can make the decision if you are impaired or not based on multiple situations. If they smell a strong smell of alcohol, they have reason to believe you have been drinking heavily. Also, if you are displaying physical attributes such as slurred speech, erratic actions, glazed-over eyes, and more, they can arrest you based on their judgment that you are not able to drive safely and effectively.

For a repeat DUI offense, you will spend at least ninety days in jail and face a minimum of 3,000 dollars in fines. You will also have your license revoked for at least a year and perform hours of community service. Lastly, your car could be required to have an interlock ignition device installed inside that makes you breathe in it in order for your car to start.

Also, there are super extreme and extreme DUIs that are given to those that have a very high blood alcohol level. If you are convicted of either of these DUIs all of your consequences will be harsher and jail time will be longer.

What to Do If You are Pulled Over For a DUI in Arizona?

There are a couple of aspects of Arizona law surrounding DUI stops that you should know to protect yourself if you are ever pulled over.

One is that you are not required by law to do any field sobriety tests if an officer asks. Although you will likely still go to jail, you can politely decline these field tests and consult with an attorney before any evidence is found against you.

Another Arizona law that is important to note is that if you are asked by a police officer to take a breathalyzer or blood test you must comply. In Arizona, if you refuse to take these tests your license will be automatically suspended no matter if you were intoxicated or not.

If you are pulled over by a police officer and you are intoxicated, you can politely say you will answer questions once you receive a consultation with your attorney. A licensed Arizona attorney is educated in how to get you the exact help and guidance you need as well as fight on your behalf. Reaching out to an Arizona attorney right away will ensure you don’t waste any time figuring out what to do and you get yourself the help you need.


Arizona is a strict state when it comes to laws and is one of the last places you want to get pulled over and convicted of a crime. Many of their laws are zero tolerance in order to keep people protected and safe.

A DUI charge is not something you want to go into blindly, you can face consequences of jail time, community service, fines, and more. Making sure you have someone on your side that knows Arizona law is important.

If you or someone you love is charged with a DUI in Arizona, it is essential to take the necessary steps to get you exactly what you need.

Take the time to reach out to a knowledgeable and licensed Arizona attorney to get someone on your side who will defend your rights and fight for what you need. An Arizona attorney can speak on your behalf and will set you up for success to make it through a DUI and provide you with what to do next, all along the process.